"Most people will be using the internet more and more so its time to really make sure that your firm has the most information into the world of online advertising and you will have a really good shot in the future. Do you agree with this or do you think that there is limited future in online advertising?"
I certainly agree that companies should advertise alot of their products and services online, however I think they should continue to market in other ways as well. Like Dale said, technology is advancing at a very rapid pace and companies are trying to keep up with it as best as they can. I think that advertising on Facebook is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Facebook uses a technique that they can actually tell what you have previously searched the web for. When they find out this information they post websites on the side of your "Facebook Wall" to coincide with those interests. This is a good technique to get new products out in the open if people are unfamiliar with them. Although I completely agree with online advertising I think Television, Newspapers, Magazines and Billboards are all still very good ways. By having a variety, it allows you to show your company to all types of people in the market!
What other types of online ad's do you think are becoming more widely used?
I recently read an article that I found very interesting regarding a new partnership. The ever so popular "Keurig" coffee just created a deal with Starbucks to sell their coffee. After hearing this, my initial reaction was why would Green Mountain do such a thing? I thought that would hurt the sales of Green Mountain coffee flavors but the stock market thought differently. Turns out stock prices jumped 41 percent after this news broke out.
"Green Mountain has now secured partnerships with almost every major coffee brand in the country" (Boston Globe).
After finishing this article, I realized what a good marketing plan this was. Why not make a deal to sell one of the most popular coffee brands in one of the most used coffee makers? This is going to benefit both Starbucks and Green Mountain and I think they will see tremendous profits as their outcome. Do you agree that this is a good idea, or do you think one of these companys will hurt in the long run?
Source: Green Mountain and Starbucks- Boston Globe