Thursday, February 10, 2011

In response to Britney Perkins

"Take the test, look at the profile, and let me know what you think.  Were the results true to you?  Do you think that this is an accurate way for companies to screen their applicants?  Were any of the attributes in your profile things that would be helpful in a Marketing career?"

The test that Britney is referring to is the Myers Briggs Personality Test. In a quick synopsis, this test is designed ask you questions and to find the 4 letter combination which results in your "personality profile." I agree with a lot of what Britney said. This test is being used very frequently among businesses when hiring prospective employees. I think this is a very good tool to add on to an interview, application and possibly recommendations. I don't however, think it should be the only form of information to base your decision off of. I took the test and my results yielded 'ENFJ.' After reading the summary of what those letters stand for I saw a direct coorelation to my personality. I think this is a very unique test in that it really helps define the type of person you are. This is beneficial to employers because they will see if those are the qualities that they want in a worker, and be able to find a position that will need their strengths.

Although I see this as a good test, I do see some things that are not included in the results. For this reason, I think there should be other aspects to include when hiring somebody. This test doesn't measure things such as psychiatric history, skills that would qualify one for a position or how one works under stress. I think paired with an interview and letters of recommendation, you will get a better picture of the type of person applying for the job. What was your personality profile? Does it match what you bring to your current or previous job?

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