"Propaganda is something that was very prevalent in the 1940's when WWII was going on. This way of marketing an idea, is told with misinformation about the truth. Propaganda is usually political and is meant to try and lie about the other side and make them look bad. This is an example of propaganda from long ago, do we still see propaganda today?"

I agree with your view on what propaganda is. In my opinion, propaganda is also negative views about a particular idea, product or anything in society. Most of the time propaganda is aimed at certain political groups and was present a lot of times back during war time (WWI and WWII). The idea behind propaganda ads and posters is to influence the ideas and views that the rest of society has. In answer to your question, yes I do believe there is still propaganda today. These two political posters exemplify two different views of the last election we had. One view is for the Democratic side, saying that John McCain isn't fit for president and the other view is the Republican side, taking a dig at Barack Obama. I think that we will always see propaganda. Many people have very strong views about a subject matter that they hope can influence others in society.
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